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Every day we eliminate huge quantity of wastewater from various sources primarily from the household. This wastewater if released to the environment as it is would cause tremendous harm to the environment and would directly affect the humans at the first step. So, the wastewater is treated in the sewage treatment plants after disposal from its sources. This treated water then becomes less harmful and is ready for disposal to the environment. The wastewater from the various sources is treated through physical, chemical and biological processes in the sewage treatment plants to remove the harsh contaminants and make it environmentally safe and treated wastewater. The by-product from the sewage treatment plants after the treatment is a slurry or semi-solid waste that needs further treatment before releasing to the environment.
The sewage treatment process step by step:
The sewage treatment plants employ a very critical treatment process for making the water less harmful for the living beings on earth and the environment as well.
STAGE 1: The stage one involves an essential screening process in which the removal of large objects like diapers, sanitary items, nappies, face wipes, cotton buds, broken bottles, plastics or rags that may block the process or damage the machinery.
STAGE 2: In the second stage, the primary treatment starts with the separation of the organic solid wastes from the wastewater. The process involves the keeping of the wastewater in large settlement tanks that will help the large & heavy wastes to settle down in the bottom of the tank.
STAGE 3: In the third stage, the left out water, free from heavy wastes, is passed for secondary treatment. In this stage, the water is then poured in a big rectangular tank which is known as the aeration lanes. Here the air is pumped into the water to break down the tiny bits of sludge with the help of bacteria.
STAGE 4: In the final stage, the processed wastewater is passed through a settlement tank where more large objects after bacterial treatment get settled down. This stage almost frees the water from harmful substances and chemicals. Before releasing the water to the river it flows over a wall where it is filtered over a sand bed to remove extra particles from it.
Advantages of Sewage Water Treatment
1. The quality of life and the hygiene of the nearby area improve with the sewage water treatment. The destruction of the contaminants present in the sewage water has a very relieving effect on the residents of the area.
2. The natural environment is also highly preserved with the sewage treatment of wastewaters released from the household and other different sources. The wastewater which was previously used to get disposed to the river directly harming the environment now is treated in sewage treatment plants before disposal.
3. The sewage treatment has helped to a great extent in the disposal of processed water. This has also shown a great impact in saving water which is a substantial natural resource for every human being.