Experts in customized Water Purification & Energy Conservation Solutions

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Why Xentura ?

Our infrastructure helps us to sustain our success by constantly enabling us to respond to the demands of the market. The infrastructure comprises of a good work environment, talented engineers from every discipline viz. XENTURA Engineering and Consultancy Services is a group of skilled team of engineers, technicians and management engaged in research for developing and implementing new technologies.

We promise you a quality water which makes you feel energetic and enthusiastic since our water purification system is purely based on the water test results. We follows truly scientific procedures for analyzing your raw water quality. Based on the analysis report, we provide the very apt and viable customized solutions considering your needs.



by Xentura Thursday, September 21, 2017

Water treatment is an important household & industry requirement. However water treatment can be beneficial only if designed with proper insight. Scientific designing not only helps to increase the life span of plant considerably but also it helps to provide the desired output as well

by Xentura Friday, September 15, 2017

Generally, wastewater is defined as the composition of physical, chemical and biological waste present in wastewater. Hospital sewage is a wastewater generated relatively in larger quantities from all the units of the hospitals such as emergency and first aid, operating rooms, drug treatment, ICU, chemical and biological laboratories, radiology, canteen and laundry activities etc.

by Xentura Monday , August 28, 2017

Water Treatment plant for Residential villas by xentura breaks down wastes via a three compartment tank. A pre-treatment compartment receives influent where heavy solids settle and form sludge at the bottom of the tank.

by Xentura Wednesday, August 23, 2017

We are a reliable firm, which is engaged in offering Water Treatment Plants to respectable clients. The offered range of water treatment plants is made using premium grade raw material and highly advanced technology in strict conformation with the highest quality norms and standards.

by Xentura Tuesday, August 1 , 2017

The Clean person is not the one who runs away from dirt but one who takes time and effort to tidy-up a dirty environment. Overall Growth and technological advancement have today led to some serious environmental concerns like pollution, global warming, a threat to all the living organisms, etc.

by Xentura Wednesday, July 28, 2017

Wastewater treatment is an amazing and interesting set of steps of a procedure of conversion of wastewater into pure drinkable water that could be put to use for everyone. It is a great way to recycle water with lesser environmental problems and issues.

by Xentura Tuesday, July 27, 2017

Every day we eliminate huge quantity of wastewater from various sources primarily from the household. This wastewater if released to the environment as it is would cause tremendous harm to the environment and would directly affect the humans at the first step.

by Xentura Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Presently, reusing wastewater is a widely accepted process among several residential, commercial and industrial spaces. Besides drinking, there are several other uses of recycled water, such as agriculture, sanitary purposes, filling decorative garden fountains and the list goes on.

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