Experts in customized Water Purification & Energy Conservation Solutions
Call Us : +91 944 619 22 22
We, at Xentura supplies customized water treatment plants as per the nature of contaminants present in water sourced from open well, bore well or ponds. Introducing technological methods removes the impurities in water and makes your water crystal clear. The output water becomes fit for the desired end use, may be drinking, industry, medicine. Each of our Components are equipped with its own laboratory to conduct in-house tests to ensure product quality. At the factory level, microbiological and chemical analysis is carried out to ensure safety and compliance.
Xentura always believes in Quality. A Quality Check is mandatory as it ensures zero defects. It always lessen your worries about your water. We promise you a quality water which makes you feel energetic and enthusiastic since our water purification system is purely based on the water test results. We follows truly scientific procedures for analyzing your raw water quality. Based on the analysis report, we provide the very apt and viable customized solutions considering your needs.
We diagnose your water by analyzing about 50 parameters of your raw water based on the dissolved impurities and suggest right treatment/ purification method as per the Kerala State Pollution Control Board norms for getting desired results. We conduct a project feasibility study and prepare project proposals comprise scientific principles behind each procedure, specification of components, drawings of civil structure, schematic flow diagram and investment lay out for projects like ETP and STP.
Just give us a call at +91 944 619 22 22