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Water Treatment plant for Residential villas by xentura breaks down wastes via a three compartment tank. A pre-treatment compartment receives influent where heavy solids settle and form sludge at the bottom of the tank. The second compartment of Xentua's residential wastewater treatment plant is the treatment compartment. Here wastewater or grey water is thoroughly mixed with oxygen via our 700++ aerator and passed over the living microorganisms located on Jet's BAT (Biologically Accelerated Treatment) media.
This is an exclusive process designed and developed by Xentua's Inc. and is more efficient than the pure activated sludge plants that Xentua's pioneered years ago. Treated wastewater or grey water then flows to the settling compartment. A clear liquid, devoid of color and odor, known as effluent, is then discharged through the baffled outlet.
Water Treatment plant for Residential villas by xentura can be opened or fully sealed. Some apartments adopt partially sealed system. One of main disadvantage of opened or partially sealed system is sewage is broken down by bacteria and during this process methane is released into campus or at ground floor level. The gas released from sewage chamber due to biological processing (by bacteria) will contain methane. Methane is highly combustible and toxic. Sewage Treatment Plant which is opened or partially closed is not recommended for apartments or residents intensely populated areas. In this system, smell can be sensed for miles. This system is only useful for large sewage treatments. For small residential units, a completely sealed package unit is recommended.Sewage compartments with methane gas should be located away from car parking areas or areas that can cause ignition or spark. Any ignition or spark can easily catch fire in sewage compartments with methane gas.